Intro to Nexxia Messenger
Aside from that, Nexxia Messenger is really 2 things:
1. An Instant Messenger / VOIP soft phone desktop application client.
2. IM / VOIP service offering a tightly integrated communications platform.
Nexxia Messenger
This is mostly the client software. The thing I tried to achieve in this software is to make it as flexible as possible. Most plugin driven apps are designed in a way that the main part of the application is accessible via plugins. This meaning plugins are really an addon OF the main application. My goal was to make a system where the plugins ARE the application.
What does this mean? This means the meat of the application is implemented in the plugins, not the executable. This also means that any part of the application is replacable. The main window is a dynamically loaded plugin, so is the chat window, etc.
I feel this gives more of a IM platform that is very flexible. This allows users to install whichever plugins they wish. If your not happy with the chat window, replace it!
This is the C# Winforms application which has the goal of being as portable as possible. It is basically a Jabber client and IAX client which connects to a Jabber server and Asterisk server at the same time.
On the server side the Jabber server and Asterisk server are tightly integrated via server components. This gives Jabber the ability to receive phone system notifications etc.
Interesting article, particularly if you are using our company name and trading name of Nexxia. This is exclusive to us and i recommend you change the name you are using for your messenger.
Simon Jacobs
Managing Director
Unknown, at 4:44 PM
I am a second yr btech guy in computer field and have a keen interest in making an tiny chat servver IM having limited application
as you have an chat projecct already one ,, Can this tiny form can be made within 6 months duration as, i want to select is as my course project ....
Unknown, at 5:07 AM
I'd be happy to get the source code. Programming used to be my hobby but I had no time for it, now i work from home as an import export trader selling goods online, I have more time for myself and my hobbies!
Unknown, at 11:49 PM
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